
Things we talk about

Trevor is available to speak at conferences and events on the topics of user experience and designing for emotion.


Designing for Instinct
Jun. 6, 2017
UXPA International Conference
Toronto, Ontario, Canada


Emotional Design: From Client Management Through Product Launch – Panel
Nov. 28, 2015
UX Camp 2015 – UX Edmonton
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada


Designing for Attraction
Oct. 25, 2014
UX Camp 2014 – UX Edmonton
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Designing for Attraction
May 30, 2014
The Psychology of Design
Ross School of Business
Ann Arbor, Michigan, U.S.A.


Design for Emotion
Nov. 19, 2013
Redmond, Washington, U.S.A.

Why Design for Emotion?
May. 11, 2013
UX Camp 2013 – UX Edmonton
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada


Design for Emotion and Flow
Apr. 11, 2010
IA Summit 2010
Phoenix, Arizona, U.S.A.


The User Experience Iceberg
Feb. 2008
City of Edmonton
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada


What is “User Experience” Anyway?
Aug. 1, 2007
City of Edmonton
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

What is “User Experience” Anyway?
Mar. 2-4, 2007
Inside the Production Pipeline: Building Web Applications
Banff, Alberta, Canada


Pay Attention! Designing Emotion for the Web
Nov. 16, 2006
Alberta Education
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Emotion, Arousal, Attention and Flow
Oct. 24, 2006
ACE (Association of Canadian Ergonomists) 2006
Banff, Alberta, Canada

Emotion, Arousal, Attention and Flow:
Chaining Emotional States to Improve Human-Computer Interaction

Sept. 29, 2006
Design and Emotion 2006
Gothenburg, Sweden

Emotion, Arousal, Attention and Flow:
Chaining Emotional States to Improve Human-Computer Interaction

Mar. 26, 2006
IA Summit 2006
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Contact Trevor to learn more

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